conține Technologia avansată ISOlink – ce include surfactanți. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. FISPQ Biguanida_V01. recomendados para substância ou mistura: Nome da empresa: Syngenta Proteção de Cultivos Ltda Endereço: Rodovia Professor Zeferino Vaz SP 332, Km 127,5 S/N. Toll free number timings: 6 AM - 10 PM (Monday to Saturday) and 9 AM - 5 PM (Sunday). Active ingredient. Show more expand_more. PARAQUAT. FUSILADE 250 EW FISPQ Produto: FICHA DE INFORMAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA DE PRODUTOS QUÍMICOS Perigos térmicos: Não apresenta perigos térmicos. Nº 9, Weijiu Road, Hangzhou Bay Shangyu. FUSILADE FORTE. en Change Language Change LanguagePulmones. Use the higher rate for tall or dense grass weed infestation. De preferência proceder à alternância com herbicidas de modo de ação diferente. SCORE Bula. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. INSTRUÇÕES DE USO. dificulte a. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. 7, 1. Em conformidade com a NBR 14725-4:2014. In soybeans,applications must be made prior to bloom. Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando-se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. L-1) Dosagem do . Acest mod de activitate dă posibilitatea produsului de a acţiona preventiv, curativ. FUSILADE é um herbicida a ser utilizado no controle de Brachiaria decumbens. 0 30 DAP 7 haloxyfop-R methyl ester 120. FORTNATE T8020 FISPQ . fispqbicalcico. Insecticid cu spectru larg în combaterea insectelor dăunătoare la măr, prun, cais, piersic, nectarin, viță de vie, cartof, porumb și legume. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. FUSILADE FORTE contains 128g/L of fluazifop-P, present as the butyl ester, with 156g/L hydrocarbon solvent in an emulsifable concentrate formulation. of FUSILADE 2000 1 E per acre per season to cotton. 100-1070 EPA Est. 2019 - No descarte de embalagens utilize equipamento de proteção individual - EPI: macacão de algodão impermeável com mangas compridas, luvas de nitrila e botas de borracha. 2 Exposure controls Engineering measures : Containment and/or segregation is the most reliable technical protection measureif exposurecannot be eliminated. Herbicides. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC A12715A HERBICIDAS Veiklioji medžiaga – fluazifop-p-butilas 150 g/l (15,77%). Aris Wibowo. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. com PT English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian český русский български العربية Unknown Menor dose de bula Controle eficaz e rápido. 0 galones de agua por ha. Intervenire durante le ore fresche del giorno, su infestanti in attiva crescita, impiegando volumi d'acqua medi (100-400 lt/ha) onde favorire la uniforme copertura della vegetazione. É. download epaper FUSILADE 250 EW - adapar. pr. FUSILADE MAX Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. TARGETS: Control of wild-oats, volunteer cereals and other grass weeds, post-emergence in broad-leaved crops and other situations. 2022. Crop/non-crop registration: Broadleaf crops: forage legumes (alfalfa, red clover, bird'sfoot trefoil), soybeans, cotton, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber. É um herbicida muito ativo Fusilade fusilade 250 ew . 0 37 DAP 5 haloxyfop-R methyl ester2 96. Manufacturer SYNGENTA. br4 fluazifop-p-butyl 250. GENERAL INFORMATION FUSILADE MAX containing fl uazifop-P-butyl is a herbicide for control of wild-oats, volunteer. substância ou mistura: Nome da empresa: STAR FLASH Indústria e Comercio de Produtos Químicos Ltda. Sapatos fechados, vestimenta de segurança para proteção de todo o corpo. cz. Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), más del 75% de los cultivos mundiales dependen de la polinización. Begin agitation and add the recommended amounts of FUSILADE 2000 and TACKLE. FISPQ AM-HE. Contains petroleum distillates. gov. 30 - 60 g/ha + 250 ml TREND® 90 în stadiul de 2 - 8 frunze ale culturii (BBCH 12-18), buruieni la 2 - 4 frunze: Caracteristici. Orius 25 EW este un fungicid sistemic din grupa triazolilor, cu un conținut de 250 g/l. 07-0. Resolva Inseticida Hidrossoluvel 0. Observações locais devem ser feitas, visando reduzir ao mínimo, as perdas por deriva e. The agitation system should be running during mixing and spraying. Last updated: Friday, 06/10/2023 - 09:17. Leia mais. produto utilizada (mL. FUSILADE Bula Completa- 19. 2/1152-1/2017 1. Read on to learn more about this vehicle's availability, customization options, spawn locations, and more! The Schyster Fusilade is a type of Car found in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5). (3-6 oz. Learn more about its label information, application rates and. AMERIS, GOAL® BR e o FUSILADE® 250 EW causaram médio enrugamento das raquetes jovens da . 00 inc. 05. FUSILADE 4E is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and growing points (meristematic regions) of treated grass weeds. Fispq Avi Gasolina Avgas. I saw signs of herbicide damage, and brown patch starting. For best results, make applications in spring and fall and avoid treatments during July and August. CONTROL SYMPTOMS Growth of treated grass weeds stops soon after application. Superior rainfastness FUSILADE FORTE is rainfast within one hour, significantly faster than other “fops”. L-1) Dosagem do produto utilizada (mL. FUSILADE FORTE is rapidly absorbed through the leaves and moves upwards and downwards throughout the plant to the growing points. Fusilade 250 EW Plant Protection Product Comparison Plant Protection Product Comparison Report inaccuracies Report inaccuracies. A pulverização deve ser realizada em pós-emergência da cultura e da planta daninha, podendo ser feita. Angelo Pedrosa. Verze_2017_07_17 (Rozhodnutí ze 4. . É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, cebola, cenoura, batata, feijão, soja, tomate, girassol. Fusilade Forte uses advanced Isolink technology, which allows superior absorption, maximizing the power of the active substance. en Change Language Change Language FUSILADE MAX containing fluazifop-P-butyl is a herbicide for control of wild-oats, volunteer. 10 oz. Use : Herbicide . É um herbicida muito ativo e específico para o controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes nas culturas do algodão, alface, cebola, cenoura, batata, feijão, soja. 2023. Es un producto sistémico que le brinda protección a su cultivo a todo nivel, por su triple acción (protectora, curativa y erradicante). At a garden center you will pay around 30. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. FUSILADE FORTE. of 15 /15. 5 12. 12. . a. Contains petroleum distillates. the Worker Protection Standards, on the EPA-registered Fusilade DX Herbicide label. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. picture_as_pdf Fusilade Forte Label - English (604. Eu li e estou de acordo com a. 18002001310 - Toll free / 020 30699533/ 020 66845533. Účinná látka. Fusilade II should be added to the spray tank at a rate of 0. Wesley Amanda Rodrigues. FISPQ Ácido Cítrico_V01. For resistance management purposes, it is a Group A herbicide. 5 and 0. 65% Fusilade solution mixed with fresh water. Produto: KARATE ZEON 250 CS. The most virulent isolates were evaluated for nematode vertical and horizontal dispersal, and for efficiency at concentrations of 0 (control), 25,. Tiago Silva. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. apply a total of morelhan:)6 oz. telephone number owner ID 2502132110, telephone number revserse identification 2502132111, real time directory assistance for telephone number. FUSILADE® Forte je graminicid sa najvećim brojem registrovanih useva u svetu. 0 37 DAP Note. 10. É um herbicida muito ativo Fusilade FUSILADE 250 EW - adapar. telephone number owner ID 2508832810, telephone number revserse identification 2508832811, real time directory assistance for telephone number. Control Symptoms FUSILADE 4E is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the rhizomes, stolons, and growing points of grasses. Principais usos recomendados. COMPATIBILITY3 Rudosios rūdys (Puccinia recondita) Varpų fuzariozė (Fusarium spp. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC A12715A HERBICIDAS Veiklioji medžiaga – fluazifop-p-butilas 150 g/l (15,77%). Após encaminhe para atendimento médico. Call 1800 804 479 and speak with our technical enquiries team, or ask us a question below. EPA Reg. (nome comercial): Código interno de 245070. 04. solid. Open navigation menu. Formulare. 20 40 60 80 10 % W e e d C o n t r o l No Rain Rain FUSILADE with ISOLINK Technology g aiha PropaquiafopFUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Fusilade II has a short soil residual and does not affect the germination of most. FISPQ - 620054 - AROMATIZANTE CONCENTRADO MANOA. Fusilade Forte este erbicid sistemic postemergent, foarte activ in combaterea buruienilor graminee anuale si perene din culturile cu frunza lata. vouts. 5 and 75 g ha-1. Orius 25® EW. – este un concentrat emulsionabil, lichid limpede, omogen, de culoare brună, ce conține 150 g/l fluazifop-P-butil. 500 WP (FOPs) Ureias haloxifope-P-metílico Gallant Max, Verdict Max e. 08. Fosfato Monoamônico. I have known people in the business with the same problem. FORMULACIJA: Koncentrat za emulziju (EC) AKTIVNA MATERIJA: Fluazifop-p-butil 150 g/l. Raquel Souza. Fusilade forte 150 EC naikina vienmetes ir daugiametes vienaskiltes piktžoles cukrinių ir pašarinių runkelių, valgomųjų burokėlių, morkų, svogūnų, česnakų, porų, pastarnokų, ropių, griežčių, salierų,FOXTROT® 69 EW/FENOVA® SUPER ; FUSILADE MAX®. Bula Fusilade. Values are not product specifications. No additional wetter is required. Does Fusilade kill flowers? Fusilade II is a selective herbicide for application over flowers, bushes and. size: 32 Ounce. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product identifier on FUSILADE®label: IITURF AND ORNAMENTAL HERBICIDE Product No. Produkto forma: koncentruota emulsija. Bula Completa 04. Nome Técnico: Fluazifope-P-Butílico. 0 30 DAP 7 haloxyfop-R methyl ester 120. Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL Herbicide Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No. colo das plantas. Leia mais Herbicida. Refer to Methods 1 and 2. 5 l/fed and glyphosate applied pre-emergence at 0. FISPQ - CYPRESS. pr. sulfentrazone 250 and 500 g ha-1, flumioxazin 17. Fosfato Monoamônico. Fispq Raku Cleaner 90-1701. Emulsifiable concentrate. 400 g a. NV- 040006 For Quackgrass Control in Alfalfa Grown for Seed and Clover Grown for Seed FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND PRECAUTIONS ON THIS LABEL MAY RESULT IN POOR PEST CONTROL, CROP INJURY, OR ILLEGAL RESIDUES. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide is a selective postemergence product that controls a wide range of annual and perennial grass weeds in turf and landscape areas. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC naikina vienmetes ir daugiametes vienaskiltes piktžoles rapsuose, grikiuose, runkeliuose, ankštinėse kultūrose, daržovėse, vaismedžių soduose, uogakrūmiuose ir kt. 01. Extremely fast and effective, Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray without damaging valuable ornamental plants/shrubs. pr. Cada 1,0 L de produto comercial/ha equivale a 250 g i. 23 KB) download. ha-1,) and three water managementFUSILADE MAX is INCOMPATIBLE with Carbetamex and Benazalox. Raquel Souza. 5%. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Click here to download. Wesley Amanda Rodrigues. picture_as_pdf BULA - FUSILADE (273. Volumen de agua Aplique FUSILADE® 2000 EC, entre 4. A embalagem vazia deverá ser lavada três vezes, fechada, inutilizada e colocada em sacos de recolha, devendo estes serem entregues num centro de receValorfitoção ; as águas de lavagem deverão ser. Fusilade Forte este un erbicid sistemic postemergent, foarte activ în combaterea buruienilor graminee anuale şi perene din culturile cu frunza lata, inclusiv Sorghum halepense (costrei) din rizomi, rasarite la momentul aplicarii. Posiadacz zezwolenia: Nufarm Polska Sp. Active ingredient: Fluazifop-P-butyl 24. 045256/2016-91 irado 800 wg 21000. 500 WP (FOPs) Ureias haloxifope-P-metílico Gallant Max, Verdict Max e outros tebutiurom. Fusilade applied as post-emergence at 0. Cada 1,0 L de produto comercial/ha equivale a 250 g i. 2. Rate/A Applic. Consult a physician if necessary. CAUTION See additional precautionary statements and directions for use inside booklet. Close suggestions Search Search. Fungucides. Eficaz para el control de la mayoría de malezas gramíneas anuales y perennes, en los cultivos de algodonero, soya, ajo, zanahoria, cebolla de bulbo, papa y café. per gallon per 1,000 sq. 5L. Fusilade (fluazifop) may kill perennial grassy weeds better than Vantage. 2022 INSTRUÇÕES DE USO: FUSILADE® é um herbicida a ser utilizado no controle de gramíneas anuais e perenes em pós- emergência nas culturas da alface, algodão, batata, brócolis, cebola, cenoura, couve- flor, eucalipto, feijão, girassol, mandioca, repolho, soja e tomate. 05. The Schyster Fusilade is a two-door coupé in Grand Theft Auto V. FERLICON Revisão: 0. fluazifop-P-butyl 250 g/l; Links. Use a minimum of 24 ounces per acre of FUSIlAOE 2000 in tank mix. f FUSILADE. 71 KB) download. It can also be used at reduced. About Fusilade Forte® 150EC Fusilade Forte is a superior post emergence grass weed herbicide which is used in fruits and vegetables. 14140-000 Cravinhos / SP Brasil. COMPOSICIÓN 125 g/L (12,5% p/v) de Fluazifop-P-butil (11,74%. Match case Limit results 1 per page. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and. Active materials. A. polo_500_sc_0. Etiketa (123 Kb) Bezpečnostní list (187 Kb) Přeprava (93 Kb) Formulace. Laboratory studies on volunteer wheat and barley have confirmed that light rainfall after spraying has little - if any - effect on performance. After initial flushing, remove any contact lenses andFusilade Forte is a herbicide which is highly effective on grasses and rapidly absorbed by the plant. CAUTION See additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use inside booklet. PRIMENA: Preparat Fusilade Forte se primenjuje kao selektivni translokacioni herbicid za suzbijanje jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih travnih korova u ratarskim usevima ( suncokret, soja, šećerna repa i uljana repica. FUSILADE 2000 should be used alone as a sequential treatment to control perennial grasses. BULA. Proteção respiratória: Máscara semi-facial com filtro para vapores orgânicos. FISPQ. Mode of Action. A Riza ® 250 EW hatóanyaga a tebukonazol, hasonlóan a többi triazol típusú fungicidhez, a gombák ergoszterol-bioszintézisét gátolja. Para a cultura da soja existe a alternativa de se fazer a aplicação do FUSILADE® em pré- semeadura (pré-plantio). HAZARDS. Manufacturer SYNGENTA. SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING. The performance of nine isolates of Heterorhabditis amazonensis and one of Heterorhabditis indica on the mealybug Dysmicoccus brevipes, (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), were evaluated. From the Invasive Plants in Southern California blog :: April 11, 2014. FUSILADE FORTE, erbicid postemergent ce asigura o combatere eficienta a buruienilor monocotiledonate anuale si perene din foarte multe culturi. Tiago. After 600 minutes of incubation, the following decreasing scale herbicides toxicity on Escherichia coli based on the CFU number was established: Gramoxone > Gliz >. acido-fosforico-fispq-0008. Values are not product specifications. de norte a sul do Brasil" Lista nº 00710 Validade: 16/05/2020 Emitida em 11/05/2020 as 14:30APVMA Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority BBA Biologische Bundesanalstalt fur Land – und forstwirschaft CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission DEW Department of the Environment and Water Resources ECETOC European Chemical Industry Ecology and Toxicology Centre FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the. br 3 INSTRUÇÕES DE USO: Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando- se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. Read the latest magazines about É PROIBIDO AO USUÁRIO A and discover magazines on Yumpu. Category Herbicides. 0 37 DAP Note. 09. Plant protection. PODIUM EW_BULA_08. 1fluazifop-p-butyl = (Fusilade 250 EW®); 2haloxyfop-R methyl ester = (Verdict®); DAP = Days after planting of eucalyptus. download epaper FUSILADE 250 EW deve ser aplicado com boas condições de umidade do solo e umidade relativa do ar superior a 70%, condições estas ideais para um bom desenvolvimento da cultura. Carmen’s education is listed on their profile. Karate Zeon 250 Cs 1. Fusilade Forte utilizeaza tehnologia avansata Isolink, care permite o absorbtie superioara, valorificand la maxim puterea substantei active. Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and growing points (meristematic regions) of treated grass weeds. Exposure to naphthalene can cause cataracts, liver damage, kidney failure, respiratory failure,. Osmar Jr. Osmar Jr. 01. 50 g/L. c. MERISTO. Raquel Souza. 125 g/l fluazifop-p-butyl. US006003_01 Version: 1 Date issued: 11/25/98 Date printed: 12/07/98 _____ Section 1 − CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Company : Zeneca Agricultural Products. 2021 PRODUTO . Fusilade Forte este un erbicid sistemic postemergent, foarte activ în combaterea buruienilor graminee anuale şi perene din culturile cu frunza lata, inclusiv Sorghum halepense (costrei) din rizomi, rasarite la momentul aplicarii. 4 – 0. H332 Pode ser nocivo se inalado. FUSILADE 250 EW 2015. Revisão: 01 Data: 03/11/2016 Página: 1/ 7Tank Mix Info. 1, 1. º C. Način delovanja:Código Interno de Número da FISPQ: 10668. ACTARA 250G. Show less expand_less. 045173/2016-01 21000. 5 300 EC tebuconazole triadimenol 22. Fusilade Forte 1lt. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A12460A Use: Herbicide Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No. 07. a. FUSILADE® 250 EW VERIFICAR RESTRIÇÕES DE USO CONSTANTES NA LISTA DE AGROTÓXICOS DO PARANÁ. CAUTION See additional Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use inside booklet. Foarte eficient în combaterea diferitelor tipuri de rugini. A nonionic surfactant at the rate of 1/2 pt per 25 gallons is recommended for. 250 24 0. Suspensão Concentrada. Chemical Name: (R)-2- [4- [ [5-trifluoromethyl]-2-pyridinyl]oxy]phenoxy]propanoic acid. Hope this. SREDSTVO ZA ZAŠTITU BILJA. to attack or shoot by a fusillade. Murilo Pucineli. Juntos por la polinización. br 3 INSTRUÇÕES DE USO: Fusilade 250 EW é um herbicida sistêmico, que se transloca aposimplasticamente, concentrando- se nos pontos de crescimento das plantas e acarretando a sua morte. Fusilade DX Herbicide is a systemic herbicide which moves from the treated foliage into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons, and growing points (meristematic regions) of treated grass weeds. 09. 00 a quart. AD£ tv. 1/ Herbicide. FUSILADE FORTE 150 EC – tai greitai į piktžoles patenkantis atrankinio veikimo sisteminis herbicidas. Causar Dano Agudo : Inflamabilidade: Não Classificado. Product. Recomendação geral As gotas devem ter um diâmetro de 250 a 300 micras com 30 a 40 gotas/cm². 14 oz/1000 sq. COMPATIBILITY"Intermediando negócios (45)3038-1011. Click here to download. Ovo je visoko selektivan prepara. An alternative for Bermuda grass suppressions would be Turflon + Acclaim Extra. Cada 1,0 L de produto comercial/ha equivale a 250 g i. 25+++ l 0. The agitation system should be running during mixing and. FUSILADE FORTE has the inhibitors of acetyl coA carboxylase mode of. Non-cropped fi eld margins apply November, December. Fusilade. polo_500_sc_0. It controls grass weeds growing in various landscaped areas. ft. O diâmetro de. Atrazina. Orius 250 EW is a fungicide based on tebuconazole that belongs to the family of triazole fungicide. Application should be made every 28 days when the grass weeds are actively growing. FUSILADE® DX HERBICIDE 1. ft. 045883/2016-22 gastoxin b57 21000. TIPO DE FORMULAÇÃO: EMULSÃO DE ÓLEO EM ÁGUA (EW) TITULAR DO REGISTRO (*): Syngenta Proteção de Cultivos Ltda. CONTROL SYMPTOMS Growth of treated grass weeds stops soon after application. FUSILADE. clodinafope-propargil Topik 240 EC Uracilas bromacila Uragan fenoxaprope-P-etílico Rapsode, Podium EW e outros diurom Herburon WG, Karmex e outros Ariloxifenoxipropionatos fluazifope-P-butil Pilot, Fusilade 250 EW e outros linurom Afalon SC, Linurex Ag. 808 250 143. GST. SPOT SPRAY RECOMMENDATIONS 1"0 Mak. Orius 250 EW is a fungicide based on tebuconazole that belongs to the family of triazole fungicide. 188 16 0. 2021 1 Logomarca do produto FUSILADE® 250 EW Registrado no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA sob nº 005796 COMPOSIÇÃO: Butyl (R)-2-[4-(5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy) phenoxy]propionate FUSILADE 125 Dados técnicos • Nome comum do ingrediente ativo: FLUAZIFOP−P−BUTIL • Registro no Ministério da Agricultura e do Abastecimento: nº 02288794 • Classe: herbicida graminicida sistêmico do grupo químico do aril oxi fenoxi propionato • Composição: ♦ Butil(R)−2−(4−(5−trifluorometil−2−piridiloxi)−fenoxi. Em conformidade com NBR 14725:2014. Learn more about its label information, application rates and mixing instructions on Syngenta US website. Spectracide Weed Stop is not labeled to kill wiregrass/bermuda grass. Last updated:. FISPQ-AGIPROCLEENE-DESINFETANTE. FUSILADE. Fusilade Forte® 150 EC may be a pplied through any sprayer fitted with normal fan, cone or flood jet nozzles. Spot Treatment - for handgun or knapsack, mix 150 g of FUSILADE in 100 litres of water (or 15 g per 10 litres of spray mix) and spray to thoroughly wet grasses. Tamara Matte Fiorini. The UF IFAS Extension Orange County Master Gardener Volunteers play a crucial role in the. No. Fungicid cu acţiune sistemică cu o penetrare şi o migrare rapidă în plantă. Version 11 Page 1 of 10 . Raquel Souza. 20 L de água-1) Concentração . Modo e poca ou intervalos de aplica o: FUSILADE 250 EW deve ser aplicado em p s-emerg ncia da cultura e da planta daninha, podendo ser feita aplica o nica ou sequencial: Aplica o nica: Deve ser feita na rea total infestada com plantas daninhas e, geralmente, ocorre entre 20 e 30 dias ap s o plantio da cultura. ACTARA 250G. Msds. Active ingredient. Opis. Syngenta Hazard Category: C, S Section(s) Revised: 14 Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 In Case of Emergency, Call 1-800-888-8372. pdf. ft. Zither 80 - FISPQ. It typically takes 2 weeks to see results after application. Baixe TABELA DE AGROQUÍMICOS, BRASIL e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Agronomia, somente na Docsity! CONCORRÊNCIA - 2011 INGREDIENTE Marca Comercial ATIVO 1 ofertante 2 ofertantes 3 ou mais ofertantes Espalhante Adesivo / Adjuvante alquil fenol poliglicoleter Adesil (Agripec) 1 alquil éster etoxilado do ácido fosfórico Lanzar. Am ales această tehnologie deoarece la momentul aplicării nu. ™. Values are not product specifications. . PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A12460A Use: Herbicide Product identifier on label: FUSILADE® II TURF AND ORNAMENTAL Herbicide Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1. comAs gotas devem ter um diâmetro de 250 a 300 micras com 30 a 40 gotas/cm2.